Well I've decided to join in on this 11 days worth of blogging prompts. It seems a good time going into Spring, to take stock of the year so far and start thinking about where you want to be heading for the rest of the year/into next year. Thanks
Angelina for inspiring me to do this - and the original link here
http://www.katmcnally.com/p/august-moon-13.html The first 5 days worth of prompts:
Day One: IntentionsHow have you treated yourself this year?
Have you kept your intentions?My personal resolution this year was to find a balance between my work life and home/social life. To be honest, I've failed miserably so far. I am a terrible workaholic. I make myself available to my job 24/7. I normally work 6 days per week but during busy periods like Film Festival I can go a couple of weeks without a day off. On my days off I struggle to switch off and will do work related things, unpaid, like taking flyers to yarn stores, constantly checking work social media or going to a cafe or bar but am always analysing their service and their menus...One way I compensate myself for this is by taking a holiday every few months and totally spoil myself to make up for treating my body not so nicely (a diet of too many takeaways, not enough sleep - the joys of odd hospitality hours!). In January after working 30 days straight, I took off to Waiheke Island/Auckland for 2 days. In May after a mad time in the kitchen after a Grab One offer, I disappeared to Samoa for 2 weeks cycling around the island (with little internet access, making me pretty much uncontactable). Before film festival I took 1 nights in a hotel when my family came to stay purely to have a soak in the bath! This weekend I am taking 3 days off in a row to go to Melbourne to see King Kong The Musical and Monet's water lilly paintings exhibition. So I'm great at getting myself some much needed solitude, but I have barely seen any of my friends outside of work for months. I've told my job I need at least 2 nights a week off from October for 2 months so I can have a social life (or just be home for dinner, or to knit or read) before the madness of The Hobbit begins.
Day Two: Seize the SeasonKat writes: We are about to enter into a gentler season i.e. Autumn/Fall if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere, Spring if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere. For me, these seasons often feel like a relief after the intensity of Summer and Winter. How do you intend to transition into the new season? I am definitely feeling more motivated and optimistic with the warmer weather. Last week I was inspired to tackle the gardening I'd neglected for the entire winter. There's something soothing about getting your hands dirty in the garden when you live in the middle of a city. I love being outdoors and being more in tune with the seasons. So every day off I'm going to do something outdoors, even if it's just going for a walk. I'm going to get back into the habit of going to the market each weekend as well to cook in season, and get back into jam and chutney making.
Day Three; BlessingsMeredith writes:
Sometimes we get too caught up with life's circumstances.
Count the blessings you've had to be grateful for this year.It's easy to complain and get caught up in the negative aspects of life - I'm sure everyone has those moments. I'm quite a positive person though and having travelled a bit, I know my life is very comfortable compared with many people.
I'm thankful for my job and being able to provide for myself, save money for future travels or studies, and be able to afford luxuries like holidays and wine :-) I'm also thankful for a job where I'm able to continue to learn and grow and indulge my interests.
I'm grateful for having great friends and family even if I don't see many of them as much as I should/like. I love having my family to visit, I have lovely flatmates, great work mates (that indulge my knitting obsession) and amazing friends. I'm very happy that I get to spend time with two babies as it's like having more nieces - I don't get to see my niece as often as I'd like to!
Day Four: WordKat writes: What word did you choose as your travelling companion in 2013? How is it working for you? Where have the surprises been? If you didn’t choose a guiding word, what word sums up your year so far? And why?I didn't really choose a word for this year. But my year so far has somewhat selfishly been all about 'me'. I guess I'm now at an age/stage where I know who I am, what I enjoy and am trying to continually push myself to do things that make me a little afraid. For example when I started in hospitality 10 years ago, I was so shy and scared to even ask someone their order. Now I can get up in front of a crowd of people and speak to them. I can go by myself to events where I don't know anyone. In earthquakes or when someone is badly injured, I remain calm and think sensibly about the situation and be a leader. I didn't think I had the fitness to cycle over 200km in tropical heat - at times that was so hard but I kept going and achieved it. I want to be a better knitter so I practice every chance I get and and try to learn more techniques and skills. Perhaps my word should be 'growth' or 'confidence' :-)
Day Five: Yearnings
Meredith writes: Have you developed new yearnings so far this year? Let go of old ones?It's not a new yearning, but my yearn to travel again is stronger than ever this year. I really want to have the money to see Easter Island, dive the Galapagos and trek through Patagonia this time though, so I am hanging tight and working until I have a very decent chunk of savings to see me on my way.
As for letting go of yearnings, I'm not sure I have. I'll have to think about that some more...