I was thinking today, as I was getting dressed, that at the age of 25, I seem to have found my style. I don't mean by that that I am stylish in the slightest. It's probably more that I'm a lazy dresser and shopper and all my outfits are much the same.
My process goes like this...
Do I have time to iron anything?
No - wear a lace dress
Yes - choose dress on basis of whether or not it requires a slip underneath
Choose tights..
Black, skin colour or branch out into grey or brown
Choose a cardy from drawer stuffed with cardigans. Black, grey, beige or purple.
Or pick a power blazer if pockets are required for the day.
Put on large necklace or earrings or both. Preferably one featuring owls.
Belt and scarf optional.
If cold or hair unbrushed, put on handknit hat.
If time, straighten hair. Normally just chuck it in a messy bun or put hairtie on wrist to deal to later.
Pick shoes. Black flats or black flats unless you aren't on the way to work and it's between August and May, in which case jandals are appropriate.
Apply basic make up in a 2 minute job in front of the mirror at work. Foundation, mascara and lipstick only.
And if it's your day off, jeans, a cardy and black t-shirt will do.
What's your personal style?